We will pray The Way of the Cross followed by Eucharistic Benediction every Wenesday in English and every Friday in Croatian throughout Lent. Come join us walk the way of Calvary with Jesus.
2864 E. 96TH STREET ~ CHICAGO, IL 60617
We, the Roman Catholic community of Sacred Heart Croatian parish, are a family of diverse people united through faith in Jesus Christ. We accept our baptismal call: to proclaim and witness the good news of the gospel; to live and work together as brothers and sisters; to celebrate God’s goodness in the sacraments and sacred scriptures; to serve all with justice, peace, and love in the name of the Lord. Embracing all, as a faith community, we promise to grow together to bring about the promise of God’s kingdom on earth.
We will pray The Way of the Cross followed by Eucharistic Benediction every Wenesday in English and every Friday in Croatian throughout Lent. Come join us walk the way of Calvary with Jesus.
Come and join us for our Lenten spiritual reflections on Thursday evenings at 6:30. We will watch a video tegether and thens pend some time reflecting and discussing the content. The theme for March 20 is "Who is Jesus?".
FASTING & ABSTINENCE: Catholics of age 14 and older are to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent. In addition, on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics from age 18 to 59 are to fast, limiting themselves to one full meal and two smaller meals each day. ALMSGIVING: Moved by the sacrifice of Christ, many Christians combine almsgiving with fasting, giving to the poor the money they save by eating, drinking or buying less as they rely more upon God's grace.
Palm Sunday - Regular Sunday Schedule
Confessions before all the Masses
Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper
6:30 PM - English and Croatian
CROATIAN SCHOOL, KOLO AND TAMBURA FOR CHILDREN has open registration. Children from ages 4-18 are being accepted. It is a great opportunity for your children to learn Croatian language, reading and writing; also to learn Croatian music and dances and play the tamburica. You can register your children at
Click here for a link that explains how it works
Financially we have been hit hard due to this COVID-19 pandemic since we depend upon your weekly donation and there are no public weekly masses. We ask that you please continue to support Sacred Heart in any way that you can. It might be more convenient to do it electronically. You can set it up to make automatic withdrawals and it will make your contribution to our parish on a regular basis or you can make a one time contribution. This allows your continued support to the parish during the unforeseen circumstances such as the one we have now. You can still donate via computer or tablet as well.
CLICK HERE to go to our online giving site - Give Central
Sacred Heart Croatian Kolo and Tambura group are looking for TAMBURAS for the students. If you have one and are not in need of it, our group is in need of tamburica, any type. If you are interesting in donating or selling your instrument, you can bring it to the parish office or please email us at
We are building a Sacred Heart School Alumni Network. Kindly use the link to the form below to provide your contact information to Sacred Heart School so we can update our database. We will use this information to keep connected with members of our Alumni community and also to keep you informed about news and events at Sacred Heart Parish and School. Your information will not be shared outside Sacred Heart School and Church.
Thank you!
Click here to fill out our Alumni database form.
Contact us at
QUEEN OF HEARTS RAFFLE: We are happy to announce that Sacred Heart has resumed the Queen of Hearts Raffle. Tickets can be purchased after Mass, at the school or at Small World Bar & Grill, 3325 E 106th St. and during any school function. The ticket price is 6 tickets for $5.00. The drawing is on Fridays at 7:00pm.
Sunday Masses live-streamed on our YouTube channel at 9:30 AM in English and 11:00 in Croatian.
9:30 (ENGLISH) 11:00 (CROATIAN)
SUNDAY: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM,
11:00 AM (Croatian)
DAILY MASS: Mon. - Fri. 8:00 AM
HOLY DAYS: 8:00 AM, 6:30 PM
Saturday 4:00 PM
or anytime upon request